Hear ME!

Make discrimination visible!

The anti-discrimination platform is intended to make discrimination of all kinds visible and offer those affected a voice.
"Hear Me" is based on the "Say It" project of the MHH and the critical doctors from Dresden, Munich and Berlin.

Discrimination happens all the time: During an internship, at a lecture, during the break and in many other everyday situations. Assaultive compliments or generalising statements can often be uttered carelessly and without malicious intent, but they are discriminatory nonetheless. They lead to discomfort, insecurity and generally creat barriers within an academic environment. To change this, we need a broader understanding of what discrimination looks like. 

With the HEAR ME project, we want to make the voices of those who are affected by discrimination on a daily basis heard. It is especially focused on incidents at the university, but other experiences may be shared as well.

You can send us reports about your experience with discrimination via an online form. We will then make these reports visible via social media and our website. 

Important: We anonymise all reports and do not publish any details about those affected or the perpetrators. The main reason for this is to protect your anonymity so that your contribution cannot be traced back to you. 

Thank you for your trust!

Do you need support?

You have the option of contacting the following offices if you need help or would like to take further action:

If you would like to talk about your options, you can come for a preliminary interview to the AStA kommen:

  • teilhabe@asta-hsh.de
  • queer@asta-hsh.de

Sharing everyday discrimination can be triggering.
Please take your time and do not force yourself to describe.
For psychological support you can go to the PTB central:

The equality office can support you and guide you through the steps of the university's complaint policy.


  • 0511 9296-7687

Du kannst dich ebenfalls an die Feedbackbox und Studiendekan*innen der Studiengänge wenden: 

At the national antidiscrimination office you can find general information.
